Mortality After Release from Incarceration Consortium (MARIC)

Mortality After Release from Incarceration Consortium (MARIC)

Adults with a history of incarceration are at dramatically increased risk of preventable death. We established a multi-organisational, multi-disciplinary and multi-national collaboration of researchers and clinicians from 12 countries representing 30 cohorts of adults with a history of incarceration. Across cohorts, the combined sample size is 1,502,000. The aims of the MARIC study are to:

  1. Dramatically increase the precision and translational impact of mortality estimates in people released from incarceration;

  2. Identify and examine risk factors for mortality across multiple cohorts and within specific sub-populations;

  3. Produce targeted, policy-relevant and globally significant evidence on the epidemiology of mortality in this population.

Funding: National Health and Medical Research Council

Project Team: Prof Rohan Borschmann, Prof Stuart Kinner, Prof Matt Spittal, Prof David Preen, Prof Jane Pirkis, A/Prof David Rosen, A/Prof Sarah Larney; Dr Matt Legge